Jerry, thank you!
I did post my friend's questions on another page "What is the best way to learn how to eat?" and here they are:

Every time when she drinks water after swallowing little part of water is staying in mouth and she cannot swallow it and she has to just spit it up.
Why is it?
Is it better to learn how to eat by mouth when tubes are still going from nose to the stomach and then remove the tubes?
Is it OK to have the tongue sideways to eat by mouth?
Is the tongue changed and become more flat and flexible, increased size after years?
What kind tubes are better to have? What kind materials it was made of and diameter? How often do you change your tubes? Can it cost any problems with his stomach, gullet, thought, bedsores, infection? Is it dangerous to use tubes for a long time?

I already had a great respond from lady, who is native Russian and also it can be nice if I will have help from more people. Thank you! Lena