Hi Angelina...first of all, you are NOT crazy. Normal? Yes...crazy? No....we all get nervous before are appointments in the beginning. We need time to have several appointments when they tell us everything looks good before that nervous feeling goes away. I'm still nervous, that's for sure!!

Just remember you have gone through a lot and you are a strong woman, give yourself some credit. How are things going at work for you? I hope nobody is saying stupid things to you anymore...I'm going to need to write a letter to them if they keep it up!!

Just keep your held high and remember that you're awesome:)


Last edited by suzanne98; 08-30-2009 07:01 AM.

T1 SCC on right side of tongue
Age 31...27 when diagnosed
4 partial glossectomies
No chemo or radiation
Biopsy on 2/2/10-Clear
Surgery needed again...no later than April 2011
Loving life and just became a mother on 11/25/10
It's not what we CAN'T do..it's what we CAN do:)