Hey Everyone

I haven't been here in a long time. I did a search but could not find the answer/s I was looking for.

I am 5 years post surgery this Oct 8th. I had been getting my teeth cleaned by my old dentist for the first 3 years after surgery. Long story short, he retired and I did not get along with the new dentist. In that time, my teeth have gotten VERY sensitive. I can't even let the dentist touch my teeth with the pic to clean them. My teeth continue to get in worse shape and I have an appointment with a oral surgeon(who did a small surgery after my original surgery to free up my frenulum that was pulling on my lip) to clean them. This is a very costly procedure, lots of freezing and cleaning.
Here is my question, is dentures the end result regardless of how well I take care of my teeth. I had perfect teeth, no fillings or cavities before my Cancer, now they seem to be detiorating very fast. I don't want to spend all this money(only patially covered) on specialized cleaning to have the end result the same as if I had just left them and looked into dentures. I am only 30 and I hope to have many years left so this is something I need to take care of now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

