Well I am going in for my last full week of treatment! I was supposed to totally end on friday however I have to go in mon and tuesday for my last 2 treatments since there machine went down twice during the course! I felt very very good saturday and of course did way too much. For the past week I have pretty much stayed home laying around in bed just letting the days pass me by. Well Sat. my wife was home I feel really good so of course we go out to brandsmart buy a new computer, new surround sound system (for football season) go grocery shopping and clean the house. I was up till 11pm basically putting stuff together and moving other stuff. Nothing too strenuous but wow did it affect me sunday morning. I woke up yesterday extremely sick! I couldnt put anything in my stomach till around 1pm. I was dry heaving, hacking, coughing up so much mucuous, blood, tissue and stomach acid I thought for sure that I was headed for the hospital for an iv! My throat hurt so bad from all the throwing up that I could barely put down a sip of water, of course I still couldnt take my pain meds cause it hurt so bad! Well I basically bit the bullet and said the hell with it, I am not going to do anymore damage to my throat then what is being done now and it cant hurt anymore than throwing up acid. So I slammed 2 CIB VHC, crushed up my percocet in a shot glass and took it with water. Then back to bed I went. Stayed in bed till around 730, crushed another percocet and took down 1.5 VHC and 3 bottles of water before going to bed lastnight! Was up this morning feeling 100 times better than yesterday morning! I guess that was my wake up call not to be doing much till all this is over! I noticed my neck is getting very very red and starting to get a little dry and pretty sore when I put the Aquafor on it. Its been a light red for most of the treatment but it is def. dark red and sore now. I have been putting on Aquafor and Hydrocortizone 3-4 times a day. I was also thinking about putting on natural aloe directly from the plant. My wifes mother has a huge plant in her back yard that if we ever get sunburnt we go over and take some...wondering if it works on this. Natural aloe seems to work on everything else cant see why it wouldnt. So today I am going to make every effort to put at least 5-6 cans down and just drink as much water as I possibly can all day long! Just need to get thru these next couple weeks and hopefully things will start looking up for once. Thanks for letting me vent, everyone around here heres me say yea my throat hurts, yea my mouth hurts but there really is no words to describe how bad this really feels throughout your entire body unless you have personally gone thru it!

30 yr old M non-smoker (stuborn ass italian)
SCC left side Tongue 2/17/09, Partial Gloss. 2/25/09
Left ND 5/20/09 10 nodes, 1 pos (1.7cm w/xtra cap spread)
Finished Rads IMRT X 33 8/18/09 (70gy)No PEG, No Chemo
"On the long road to recovery 1 step at a time"